New Delhi: Salman Khan's 'Bigg Boss 14' has managed to keep the viewers hooked on to their television sets with its drama-packed episodes. The popular reality show, which aired its grand premiere episode on October 3, has already become the talk of the town. The 'Toofani Seniors'- Hina Khan, Sidharth Shukla and Gauahar Khan have provided the much-need tadka in 'Bigg Boss 2020'. Unlike previous seasons, only 11 contestants are currently part of the game. If a recent report is to be believed, the makers are planning to introduce not one but four wild card contestants. Yes, you read that right!

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The wild card contestants have been put under quarantine at a hotel in Mumbai, the report in an entertainment portal said. Naina Singh, Rashmi Gupta, Shardul Pandit and Pratik Sehajpal have been selected for 'Bigg Boss 14'. They will be sent to the secret room on October 16, the report added. Ssounds interesting, doesn't it?

"Naina Singh, Shardul Pandit, Rashmi Gupta are definitely going inside the house. The fourth contestant could be between Pavitra Punia's ex Pratik Sehajpal. The contestants are already put under quarantine in a hotel in Mumbai," a source told Pinkvilla.

Shardul Pandit is a popular name in the TV circuit, who has worked in shows like 'Bandini', 'Kuldeepak', 'Kitni Mohabbat Hai 2' and 'Siddhi Vinayak'.

Naina Singh played the role of Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia's on-screen daughter Rhea Mehra in Ekta Kapoor's 'Kumkum Bhagya'. Naina, who is the winner of 'Splitsvilla 10', can turn out to be the dark horse of 'BB 14'.

Rashmi Gupta has featured in several hit shows including 'CID', 'Yeh Vaada Raha' and 'Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega'. Interestingly, her 'Guddan' co-star Nishant Singh Malkani is already inside the 'Bigg Boss 2020' house.

MTV 'Ace of Space' contestant Pratik Sehajpal, who reportedly dated Pavitra Punia, will participate in 'Bigg Boss 14'. The TV hottie was also part of 'Love School'

Also READ: Has Naagin 3 actress Pavitra Punia found love again in Ace of Space contestant Pratik Sehajpal?

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