Fans slammed the 'Toofani Seniors'- Sidharth Shukla, Hina Khan and Gauahar Khan on social media as they were the ones, who took the decision of evicting Sara from the show. Amid all the hullabaloo, photos of Sara Gurpal's eye injury have surfaced on social media.
According to a report in a leading daily, Sara Gurpal suffered an eye injury after Nikki Tamboli hurt the singer with her acrylic nails while performing an immunity task. During the task, Nikki tried to make Sara Gurpal come out of the bulldozer by rubbing her face. However, she ended up hurting Sara's eyes. The footage was not aired during any episode of 'Bigg Boss 14'.
Sara, who is getting treated for her eye injury, has plans to return to her hometown, sources told Hindustan Times.
(Swipe to see the photos)
Interestingly, social media handle Khabri, which provides updates about 'Bigg Boss', has said that Sara Gurpal might return to 'BB 14' as a wild card entry.
Sara, while talking to Times Of India, said that she is unhappy with Sidharth Shukla's decision to eliminate. She added that only Sidharth was 'adamant' to vote her out while the other two 'Seniors' Hina and Gauahar didn't want her to get eliminated
"It was the decision of Sidharth Shukla; I don’t know what kind of revenge he wanted to take! Nobody wanted me to go from the house, except him. Hina (Khan) and Gauahar (Khan) wanted Nishant (Singh Malkhani) to get evicted but Sidharth was adamant about voting me out,” Sara told TOI.
Sara's personal life became the talk of the town after singer Tushar Kumar claimed to be her husband. He shared picture of their marriage certificate and even alleged that Sara married him for fame. Gurpal, who is a popular name in Punjabi film industry, has denied all the allegations.
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