New Delhi: ‘Bigg Boss 14’ has managed to grab a lot of eyeballs with its controversial and entertaining content. Though the show could not top the TRP charts this season, the makers are leaving no stones unturned to make the audience stick to their television sets. The Salman Khan show has created has been creating a buzz on social media owing to the ugly fights and controversies inside the ‘BB14’ house.

‘Bigg Boss 14’: Kamya Punjabi Slams Aly Goni For His Remarks On Kavita Kaushik’s Re-Entry In ‘BB14’ House

Recently, the show witnessed an ugly fight between wild card contestants Kavita Kaushik and Aly Goni over a task assigned by Bigg Boss himself. The verbal spat between them started when Kavita picked up Aly’s trimmer to put it in the bin for breaking house rules. The latter went into rage post the incident and was also seen toppling chairs and other properties inside the house.

Aly Goni’s aggressiveness did not seem to go quite well with his family members. His sister Ilham Goni revealed while speaking to SpotboyE how the whole fight inside the house disturbed his family. Aly’s sister told the publication, “My mother got really emotional and was feeling really upset about it. I especially went there to make her understand that don't worry it is a game show. She was worried that he is short tempered and she knew it would come out if somebody would rub him in a wrong way and that's what happened. It's both ways, there is always action to the reaction and everybody should understand that. We should see both sides and not give judgements which are one-sided. Kavita provokes him and we could see that in episodes. She is doing something that could trigger him to that level as she now knows that he is short tempered. And that's what happened for which he got punished also. I didn't like it but what can we do? It's a game show.”

Ilham added on questioning about what Aly’s family suggests of him staying in the show, “There was nothing we suggested as he was clear that it is just a game show and he will get to understand people only after he gets in. We cannot tell him what to do and what not to do. But yes one thing that my mother and all of us were telling him to control his anger and try not to get involved in such things where people will provoke you to the level that they will try to use your weakness. I am thankful to Jasmin she is there and supporting him. She is trying to tell him that please keep calm.”

Bigg Boss 14: Kamya Punjabi Slams Abhinav Shukla For ‘Spoiling’ His Wife’s Game; Says ‘Let Rubina Play’

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