The biggest game with the celebrities locked inside the glass-walled BB 13 house has begun with the show's premiere episode telecast on Sunday. Salman Khan introduced the 13 celebrities who are currently inside the Bigg Boss 13 house and actress Ameesha Patel who's the 'maalkin' in this season has set the ball rolling by giving housemates their first task on Day 1. We have already shown you how the first fight of the season has already taken place between Jammu & Kashmir model Asim Riaz and TV actor Paras Chhabra who were seen locking horns on stage too during launch episode too. And now a new promo video has dropped showing housemates doing their first task given by Ameesha. They were asked to pass food items vegetables and groceries to each other using only their mouths and this turned out funny when writer Siddharth Dey and Punjabi kudi Shehnaaz Gill ended up locking lips struggling to pass a food item ahead using their mouth.

Bigg Boss 13: First Fight! Paras Chhabra & Asim Riaz To Lock Horns On Day 1! Watch Video!

Ameesha playing a strict task master keeps cancelling any vegetable-passing wherein the hand was used was either of the contestants and trying to do their best, Sidharth and Shehnaaz struggled for longer before the 'mishap' happened.

Everyone burst out laughing as Shehnaaz aka 'Punjab ki Katrina Kaif' looked shocked right after.

Colors TV official handle shared the video captioning it- "Maalkin @ameesha_patel  ke pehle task mein har nivaale ko hai muh se chheen kar jeetna!"

Watch the video below: 

While Shehnaaz looked very bubbly and cute during the premiere episode, write Siddharth behaved like a gentleman in 1st Episode who Salman knows closely too.

ALSO - B'wood Hottie Koena Mitra's Unrecognizable Face Puts Social Media In A Tizzy, Fans Comment On Her Looks- "Michael Jackson Joins BB13"

A total of 13 contestants have entered the house last night which include TV actors Sidharth Shukla, Paras ChhabraDalljiet Kaur, Rashami Desai, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Mahira Sharma, Arti Singh, Bollywood actress Koena Mitra, model Asim Riaz from Jammu & Kashmir, writer Siddharth Dey, news anchor Shefali Bagga, Anu Malik's elder brother music composer Abu Malik and punjabi actress Shehnaaz Gill.

Watch this space for all updates on #BiggBoss13!