New Delhi: The 'Bigg Boss 13' contestants are locked in the house since the past three months now. ‘Ghar Ka Khana’ is something that the housemates have been longing for and Bigg Boss has finally surprised them with some home cooked food. Mumbai's world famous ‘Dabbawalas’, who entered the 'BB 13' house, brought some lip smacking delicacies prepared by the family members of the winning team of the Chinese stall task.

The housemates got all emotional after receiving home-cooked food from their loved ones. Paras even called the dabbawalas their Santa Claus. Leaving aside their fights and differences, the contestants shared food with each other. They satisfied their taste buds with a variety of food ranging from Punjab’s famous ‘makki ki roti’ from Shehnaz’s tiffin to ‘besan ke laddoo’ and ‘dhokla’ from Paras's dabba.

Shefali Jariwala served  the housemates ‘rasmalai’ and ‘dahi wada’ from her tiffin. Touched by the wonderful surprise Aarti, Paras and Shefali Jariwala got all emotional while missing their families.

(Source- Colors TV)

After the happy moments, Bigg Boss announced the captaincy task for the contenders Shehnaz and Vishal. They had to enter a ‘Brain’ setup placed in the garden area wherein they got ‘thoughts’ on an indicator and they had to convert them into reality.

According to the rules, the housemates had to destroy their personal belongings mentioned in the 'thought’. Both Shehnaz and Vishal got the same ‘thought’ and the housemates had the power to decide whom they would support by sacrificing their belongings.

Interestingly, Shehnaz and Vishal would get only a certain amount of time to convince the housemates. Rashami Desai decided to sacrifice her family photo with a heavy heart for Vishal.

(Source- Colors TV)

Asim Riaz, without giving a second thought, gave up his favourite gym belt for Shehnaz as a payback for making him the captain in the previous week.

When Shehnaaz and Vishal tried to convince Paras to give his favourite yellow shoes, the actor seemed reluctant. It remains to be seen if he would sacrifice his belonging for Shehnaaz or not.

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