The thirteenth season of Colors' controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, finally hit the TV screens last weekend. 'Bigg Boss 13' premiered on 29th September with 13 celebrity contestants - Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Sidharth Shukla, Rashami Desai, Paras Chhabra, Dalljiet Kaur, Asim Riaz, Arti Singh, Abu Malik, Mahira Sharma, Siddharth Dey, Shefali Bagga, Shehnaaz Kaur Gill and Koena Mitra, getting locked inside the 'Bigg Boss' house. This season's first nomination task was aired in yesterday's (1st October) episode in which five contestants got nominated for eviction.

'BB 13' host Salman with contestants (Photo: Colors TV)

In last night's episode, 'Bigg Boss' asked contestants to gather in the garden area without revealing that it will be this season's first nominations task. Siddharth Dey and Asim Riaz couldn't participate as 'maalkin' Ameesha Patel had given them black hearts. In the task, the girls have to give their hearts to one among the three male contestants - Paras Chhabra, Sidharth Shukla and Abu Malik, with whom they connect the most.

Bigg Boss 13: Paras Chhabra Tortures Sidharth Shukla In 'BB Hospital' Task; Arti Singh Breaks Down After Shefali Bagga's Personal Comments!

Rashami Desai, Koena Mitra, Mahira Sharma, Shefali Bagga and Dalljiet Kaur gave their hearts to Paras Chhabra, Devoleena Bhattacharjee and Arti Singh gave it to Sidharth Shukla whereas Shehnaaz Gill chose Abu Malik.

'Bigg Boss' then revealed that it is this week's nomination task and asked Paras as well as Sidharth to save one girl from nomination by breaking hearts of others. Since Shehnaaz had no competition as she was the only contestant who gave her heart to Abu Malik, 'Bigg Boss' announced her safe.

'BB 13' first week nominated contestants

Sidharth Shukla saved Arti Singh and nominated Devoleena Bhattacharjee by breaking her heart. Paras Chabbra saved Mahira Sharma and nominated Rashami Desai, Daljiet Kaur, Koena Mitra and Shefali Bagga for elimination.\

Hence, this week's nominated contestants are Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Rashami Desai, Koena Mitra, Dalljiet Kaur and Shefali Bagga. After the task, Shefali Bagga fought with Paras as he called her over emotional (rotlu).

Voting lines are closed this week as 'Bigg Boss 13' host Salman Khan will reportedly call shot on this week's eviction. After closely watching the journey of each nominated contestant, Salman will finally decide the name of first evicted contestants. Also, he also has the power to nominate one contestant directly for next week's nominations.

Keep watching this space for more updates!