New Delhi: The biggest reality show on Indian television is all set to go on-air from tomorrow (September 29) on Colors channel. Yes, we are talking about ‘Bigg Boss 13’. The makers of the show have managed to create anticipation among the viewers after host Salman Khan revealed in the promos that contestants would get an opportunity to secure a place in the finale within the first four weeks. However, they will have to fight for survival for the next two months.

Bigg Boss 13: List of confirmed celebrity contestants

While we know that ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya’ actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee and ‘Balika Vadhu’ fame Sidharth Shukla are confirmed contestants of ‘Bigg Boss 13’, speculations are rife that Rashami Desai would also participate in the popular reality show.

A new video from the sets has confirmed that the ‘Uttaran’ actress would feature in ‘BB 13’. Although, the video didn’t show her face, it was enough to suggest that Rashmi Desai is indeed participating in the show.

We also saw glimpses of Sidharth Shukla, Paras Chhabra and Devoleena Bhattacharjee’s entry act at the premiere episode of ‘Bigg Boss 13’.

Check out the video!

Unlike the previous season, ‘BB 13’ will only feature celebrities as contestants. The makers have also shifted the location from Lonavala to Mumbai this year.

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Watch this space for more updates!