New Delhi: Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu Grover extended her support to 'Bigg Boss 13' contestant Arti Singh, who is being trolled on social media after talking about mental health openly on the reality show. Arti, who has worked in several TV shows including 'Parichay', 'Uttaran' and 'Waaris', was engaged in a war of words with Paras Chhabra during the nominations. Arti had a breakdown as she expected Sidharth Shukla to take stand for her.

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The 'Thoda Hai Bas Thoode Ki Jarurat Hai' actress, who has been quite vocal about mental health, suffered a panic attack on the show. While Arti is inside the 'BB 13' house, her team shared a powerful post on her official Instagram handle, urging people to talk about mental health issues rather than trolling the person, who suffers from it.

Check out her post!

Bipasha Basu dropped a comment on the post and supported the actress. She wrote, "It's sad that in our country so many educated people have a lack of awareness on mental health. You can't stop living your life if you have some issues. You need to be brave and face them and that is exactly what Arti Singh is doing. Anyone in the house or outside who is making a joke or mockery out of this is insensitive. In today's day and age, this topic cannot be taboo."

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"Support is what people need to overcome this. Finally, it's one's own battle. Please, we should be human and kind to all," added Bipasha.

(Source- Instagram)

'Pavitra Rishta' fame Ankita Lokhande commented, ''We all love u and only thing I know is u r a true friend @artisingh5  truly genuine. do not ever change for anyone.''

(Source- Instagram)

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