New Delhi: Colors TV’s ‘Bigg Boss 13’ has managed to set the TRP charts on fire, with its drama-packed episodes. It won’t be wrong to say that Sidharth Shukla and Asim Riaz’s big fight has grabbed several eyeballs. The two contestants had an ugly spat and they even abused each other. Sidharth, who shot to fame after playing the role of Shiv in ‘Balika Vadhu’, even dragged Asim’s father during the fight and abused him.

‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 10’ host Rohit Shetty entered the house to help Sidharth and Asim in resolving their differences. The two ‘BB 13’ contestants had another fight after which Asim called Sidharth’s father a ‘crybaby’, despite knowing he is no more.

Salman Khan reprimanded Asim Riaz for his actions on Saturday’s ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’ episode. Several fans have slammed the makers for being partial against Asim on social media. They have also accused the makers of neglecting Sidharth Shukla’s actions inside the ‘Bigg Boss 13’ house. The fans objected after the ‘Dil Se Dil Tak’ actor was not asked to apologise to Asim for abusing his father.

Also READ| Bigg Boss 13: Evicted Contestant Takes A DIG At Makers For Favouring Sidharth Over Asim

Gauahar Khan, who often shares her opinion on ‘Bigg Boss 13’, took a dig at Sidharth Shukla for not apologizing to Asim Riaz. The ‘Bigg Boss 7’ winner agreed that Asim was wrong for bringing Sidharth’s father into their discussion. She further said slammed Sidharth for saying all ‘atrocious’ things in the show. The 'Office' actress shared a video in which Sidharth can be seen abusing Asim during their fight in 'BB 13' house.

“Chalo Asim was made to apologise is a looooooong segment for the 1 time he wrongfully brought up someone’s parent! He was Wrong wrong wrong !!!! I agree! Can someone make this man apologise a thousand times for saying Allllllllll these atrocious things about father mother birth,” Gauahar tweeted.

Interestingly, the likes of Kamya Panjabi, Vindu Dara Singh are supporting Sidharth Shukla in this scenario, despite his misbehavior and antics in the show.

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