The thirteenth season of India's biggest reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by superstar Salman Khan, is only a month away from its grand finale now which is scheduled for 15th February. Currently, ten contestants are locked inside the 'Bigg Boss 13' house who are trying their level best to stay in limelight to survive in the game. Ex-lovers & 'BB 13' contestants Vishal Aditya Singh and Madhurima Tuli often make headlines due to their confusing relationship. While they have indulged in various ugly fights in the show, things are now getting out of control between them.

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Last week, Madhurima hit Vishal with slippers during an argument post which host Salman slammed both of them for their behaviour during 'Weekend Ka Vaar' episode. While fans were expecting them to be friendly with each other after Salman's criticism, Madhurima and Vishal will be seen getting into another violent fight with each other in Wednesay's (January 15) episode of 'Bigg Boss 13'.

As per latest promos, Madhurima will call Vishal 'behenji' post which Vishal will splash water at her. Mahdurima then loses her cool and will angrily hit Vishal with a frying pan using full force, leaving co-contestants shocked. 'Bigg Boss' will then take a strict action against both of them however the punishment is not yet revealed. As seen in the promos, Vishal is clearly unhappy with the decision taken by 'Bigg Boss'.

Take a look at the promo below:

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Now, it'll be interesting to see if 'Bigg Boss' will expel them from the show or the makers have some other punishment in mind for Vishal-Madhurima.

On a related note, all contestants are nominated for eviction this week and it'll be interesting to see who will finally bid goodbye to the show this time.

Keep watching this space for more updates!