New Delhi: Colors TV's hit reality show 'Bigg Boss 13', hosted by superstar Salman Khan, ended two weeks ago however fans are still missing seeing their favourite contestants on small-screen daily. While 'Balika Vadhu' & 'Dil Se Dil Tak' star Sidharth Shukla won the show, Asim Riaz was declared as the runner-up of 'Bigg Boss 13'. As informed earlier, popular contestants Paras Chhabra-Mahira Sharma will soon be seen together in a music video. Here comes another good news for 'BB 13' fans! After Paras-Mahira, Himanshi Khurana & Asim are set to reunite onscreen.

Bigg Boss 13's Rashami Desai & BFF Ankita Lokhande Celebrate 10 Years Of Friendship By Cutting Cake (PICS & VIDEO)

Yes, the 'Bigg Boss 13' lovebirds will be seen sharing screen-space in a music video soon which will be sung by popular singer Neha Kakkar. Himanshi took to her social media account yesterday (March 3) and shared the good news with fans along with the first poster which also has the release date.

In the poster, Asim & Himanshi are looking stunning. Sharing the poster on Instagram, Himanshi Khurana wrote, "Something really special coming out on @desimusicfactory with @asimriaz77.official #himanshikhurana @nehakakkar @anshul300 on 18th March. ♥️"

Take a look at her post below:

Bigg Boss 13: Rashami Desai REACTS To Fans Wanting Her To MARRY Asim Riaz's Brother Umar Riaz

As mentioned in the post, the music video is expected to release on March 18.

This news willy surely make 'AsiManshi' fans super-happy!

On a related note, Asim fell in love with Himanshi during his stay inside the 'Bigg Boss' house where he even proposed her. Ever since he came out of the show, 'AsiManshi' fans were curious to know about the duo's relationship status. However, Asim's elder brother Umar Riaz recently confirmed that they are in a relationship which makes the music video much more special.

Asim will also has another music video in his kitty in which he'll be seen alongside Bollywood hottie Jacqueline Fernandez. Whereas, he might soon record a rap song with his favourite rapper Bohemia.

Stay tuned for more updates!