Controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, is set to come back on our TV screens very soon. 'Bigg Boss 13', which is expected to go on-air from 29th September, will have only celebrities as contestants. Various popular names are reportedly in talks to participate in 'Bigg Boss 13' and viewers are super-excited for the new season of popular 'Colors' reality show. Recently, TV actor Angad Hasija confirmed rejecting 'Bigg Boss 13' offer. Now, another TV star has said 'no' to participate in 'Bigg Boss 13' and he's none other than Shashank Vyas.

Salman Khan will return back as host this season too!

The talented actor too has confirmed that 'Bigg Boss 13' makers approached him around two months ago but he has rejected the offer as he's not yet ready to get locked inside a confined space for three months.

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Speaking about the same, he told an entertainment portal that, "They had called me, but as far being part of Bigg Boss is concerned, I never dreamt of jumping from one tree to the other, I had never dreamt of making a vote appeal or staying in a confined space for a period of three months. We have to stick to our dreams and therefore we have to let go off of a lot of things. We have to say NO! If you say No, life moves ahead. They called me about two months ago. They insisted and they wanted me to do the show, even when they knew I would refuse. The fact of the matter is that the show won’t go anywhere. It was there yesterday and will be there tomorrow as well."

Shashank Vyas (Photo: Instagram)

He further told Desimartini that, "The thing is I don’t want to play safe. Earning money is not my agenda. If that was my only agenda, I wouldn’t have just chosen acting. There are numerous ways of earning money. I don’t want to be part of Bigg Boss. When I left my hometown and came down to Bombay, it was the biggest decision I took. It was a very crucial situation at that time and I didn’t think twice. I wanted to be an actor. It is just the same now. I am ready to do a film or a series which just has five or six scenes with me in them. If I like some content, I am even willing to do it for free."

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The promos of 'Bigg Boss 13' are already on-air in which host Salmna can be seen revealing that the contestants will get a chance to reach the finale in just four weeks. However, they have to fight for survival for another two months before the grand finale.

Shashank with 'Balika Vadhu' co-stars (Photo: Web)

Coming back to Shashank Vyas, he made his TV debut with Colors' path-breaking show 'Balika Badhu' and became a household name as 'Jagdish/Jagya'. Last seen in Colors' 'Roop -Mard Ka Naya Swaroop' opposite Donal Bisht, Shashank Vyas was also a part of Star Plus show 'Jaana Na Dil Se Door' co-starring Shivani Surve and Vikram Singh Chauhan.

Stay tuned for more updates related to 'Bigg Boss 13'!