One of the most popular reality television shows in India, Bigg Boss, is all set to return with its 12th season. Recently, the makers called on for the auditions for Bigg Boss 12.

The official handle of Colors TV in a tweet mentioned that Bigg Boss 12 will be played in Jodis. That means this year contestants will be entering the Bigg Boss house as a couple.

During the finale of Rising Star 2 also, host Ravi Dubey shared the news of the auditions for commoners.

And ever since the audition news broke, speculations about season 12 contestants already started doing rounds.

BIGG BOSS 12 is BACK but with a HUGE TWIST

And according to reports, we have the name of first contestant confirmed on Bigg Boss 12!

According to various sources on internet, the winner of reality show 'MTV Rock On', Naitik Nagda who is also a drummer and singer has been confirmed on the show.

Naitik Nagda with Falguni Pathak

He has been confirmed for Salman Khan’s controversial reality show and will be locked up in the house along with other contestants this year.

In-fact he has been re-posting the reports confirming his entry on the show on Twitter and Instagram:

So is he confirming the news of him joining the controversial reality show?

Naitik who is popularly also known as the Dandiya King has been playing the drum from the age of 5. He usually performs live during Navratri and gets the audience grooving.

The rumour is that he would be entering the show as a common man and will talk about his struggle in the entertainment industry. Check out some more pics of Naitik below:

Keep visiting this space for more updates on Bigg Boss season 12.