New Delhi: With just 15 days left for Colors TV show Bigg Boss 12, ardent fans want to know each and every detail about the show. Few days back we told you that there are speculations about TV actress Dipika Kakkar entering the show with her mother.There also has been reports about the launch of the show, which this time will take place in Goa and not Lonavala.

Remember few weeks back we exclusively told you that Mahika Sharma and her boyfriend Danny D are the highest paid jodi. Now we have another interesting scoop regarding the show.

A source close to Mahika informed us that Mahika and Danny D will perform on song ‘Dream girl’ on the premiere night. Well, to double the fun, Salman Khan will also shake a leg with Danny D on ‘O O Jaane Jaana’. There are also reports that along with Mahika and Danny, Salman Khan will dance with Katrina Kaif on song ‘Dream girl’.

However, nothing is confirmed yet but if this happens, Bigg Boss 12 premiere is going to be full of entertainment. Some of the names that are speculated to be in the show are Divya Aggarwal, Srishty Rode, Shaleen Bhanot and Scarlett Rose.