New Delhi: After keeping the viewers entertained for over three months, Bigg Boss 12 is all set to air its much-awaited grand finale on December 30. The makers of the popular reality show are leaving no stone unturned to spice up things. We saw Urvashi Rautela surprise the contestants with gifts on Christmas Eve in last episode. Tonight’s episode promises to be a blockbuster affair as former BB 11 contestant Hina Khan will enter the house as part of Bigg Boss Hotel task and make the contestants perform some interesting activities.

As per the sneak peek shared by the channel, the ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’ actress will ask Deepak Thakur to trim half of his beard. The Kashmiri beauty will also ask KVB to curl his hair and apply kohl on his eyes. Check out the video!

Apart from Hina, Bigg Boss 5 winner Juhi Parmar and ‘Roop-Mard Ka Naya Swaroop’ actor Neil Bhatt will also be part of BB Hotel Task. Juhi, who is currently seen in Colors TV’s ‘Tantra’, will ask Deepak to sing a song in English.

Dipika Kakar, Surbhi Rana, Sreesanth, Karanvir Bohra, Deepak Thakur and Romil Chaudhary have made it to the final week of the show and speculations are rife that one of them will get eliminated in a mid-week eviction.

Watch this space for more updates!