The twelfth season of controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Bollywood 'dabangg' star Salman Khan, is only two weeks away from its grand finale & everyone is waiting for the same. Among the seven remaining 'Bigg Boss 12' housematess, TV actor Karanvir Bohra has emerged as one of the most-loved & popular contestants on the show. Apart from the fans, Karanvir's wife has supported her husband time & again during his stay in the 'BB 12' house. After writing an open letter to host Salman & the makers few weeks ago, Teejay has now again slammed the makers for being biased.

Karanvir with Sreesanth in 'BB 12' (Photo: Colors)

Teejay took to her social media account to support husband Karanvir & wrote, "It's a little strange when one contestant dsn't speak up much, they are called dignified. When another behaves with dignity, he is told he is 'not doing anything.' BiggBoss, please keep one set of guidelines that apply to all HMs equally. If ur 'purpose' is to not hurt anyone, to not abuse, to respect the game, to respect HMs, to give ur best in every task, to be a good captain &goodsanchalak.. then I am ok with that.. #KaranvirBohra No need 2change. BB ends in 13 days. Who YOU are is forever. #KVB."

Karanvir with wife Teejay (Photo: Instagram)

Praising Karanvir, Teejay further tweeted that, "If ur 'purpose' is to not hurt anyone, to not abuse, to respect the game, to respect HMs, to give ur best in every task, to be a good captain &good sanchalak.. then I am ok with that.. #KaranvirBohra No need 2change. BB ends in 13 days. Who YOU are is forever. #KVB #BiggBoss12"

Check out her tweets below:

ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 12: Romil's support rally in Haryana; Nirmal Singh &# other supporters appeal to vote for him! 

Teejay is always known for expressing her views openly & it is heartening to see how she is supporting Karanvir

For the uninitiated, the seven remaining contestants namely Dipika Kakar Ibrahim, S. Sreesanth, Surbhi Rana, Romil Choudhary, Somi Khan, Karanvir Bohra and Deepak Thakur are now trying their level best to stay in the game. It'll be very interesting to know who will finally take the winning trophy home.

Stay tuned for more updates related to 'Bigg Boss 12' & its contestants!