New Delhi: If there is anything that Bigg Boss contestants fear of, it has to be the nominations. Earlier in the day we told you that Bigg Boss 12 nominations are likely to happen today and it will be a task. However, the first Bigg Boss luxury budget task got cancelled. As per the information leaked online, the contestants who got nominated this week are, Anup Jalota-Jasleen Matharu, Dipika Kakkar, Sabah Khan-Somi Khan and Nehha Pendse. So as per the online buzz, 2 jodis i.e., Anup Jalota-Jasleen Matharu, Khan sisters- Somi-Saba and 2 singles Dipika Kakkar and Nehha Pendse have been nominated. But nothing is confirmed yet.
With the arrival of every new season of Bigg Boss, many fanclubs/handles crop up on social media pages, majority of which leak the inside authentic news straight from the BB house. And now with this new and most interesting update from Bigg Boss 12 house yet(as the season has just begun), these 6 contestants are most certainly getting nominated in the nominations task.
Well, Dipika Kakkar’s nomination can come as shock to her fans but it is quite likely that she may get highest votes based on her popularity. Actress is known for her role as 'Simar' in 'Sasural Simar Ka'.
Also it will be interesting to see Salman Khan’s take on all that is been happening in the house on ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’.
Who you think will get eliminated this week from Bigg Boss 12 house?