The latest season of controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by supertsar Salman Khan, recently witnessed the eviction of Kriti Verma-Roshmi Banik and Nirmal Singh. After which, 'Roadies Xtreme' fame Surbhi Rana entered 'Bigg Boss 12' house as the new partner of Romil Choudhary. In yesterday's (1st October) episode of 'BB 12', this week's nomination task got started in which the jodis will have to sacrifice their belongings (chosen by singles) to save their partner from getting nominated. During the same, commoner Deepak Thakur will shave off his head.

Deepak with co-contestants in 'Bigg Boss 12' (Photo: Colors)

Yes, you read that right!

Bigg Boss 12 NOMINATION: Sreesanth demands Somi Khan to trim her hair to save Saba Khan for getting nominated

As a part of the nomination task, Karanvir Bohra will kidnap Urvashi Vani and he'll ask Deepak to remove all his hair as a ransom. And guess what, he'll complete the task and will shave his head too. In the precap clip shown at the end of yesterday's episode, Deepak was shown getting his head shaved with the help of another contestant. Check out the picture from precap clip below:

Deepak Thakur (Photo: Colors)

And now, the first picture of Deepak Thakur's new bald look is out too. Check it out below:

Bigg Boss 12: Evicted contestant Kriti Verma reacts on proximity with Shivashish Mishra!

Deepak's new bald look (Photo: Colors)

This is not the first time when a 'Bigg Boss' contestant has gone bald during his stay in the show. Last season, Priyank Sharma, Luv Tyagi and Akash Dadlani shaved their heads after a task. Also, ex contestants like Prince Narula, Diandra Soares, Apurva Agnihotri among others too went bald in 'Bigg Boss' [6 times in ‘Bigg Boss’ history, contestants went bald including Priyank Sharma!].

What do you think about Deepak Thakur's new bald look? Tell us in the comments section below!