New Delhi: Colors TV show Bigg Boss 12 may get more entertaining and dramatic from today. As per the latest promo, it seems like this time Bigg Boss 12 is very much strict and serious about the rules. Last week, Bigg Boss directly nominated Romil Chaudhary, Nirmal Singh and Karanvir Bohra for damaging Bigg Boss house property and using inappropriate language.

ALSO READ: BIGG BOSS 12: Dipika Kakkar and Srishty Rode get SUPERPOWERS 

Now another contestants to get punished are the captains of the house, Kriti Verma and Roshmi Banik. According to the new promo, Bigg Boss reveals some clips in which housmates including captain Kriti and Roshmi are seen breaking the rules. Bigg Boss then throws bomb on Kriti-Roshmi saying that they are no more immune from nominations.

Check out this video:

So, who think will get nominated this week?