Bigg Boss divided the contestants into groups of three and each group was called in the activity area where they had to mutually decide one name for nomination. Adding a twist to the game, Bigg Boss invited a celebrity whose identity was not revealed. This special guest could ask question to the contestants at any time and will be the one to decide that who should be nominated out of the three.
Now as per the latest speculations it is being said that Anup Jalota will get evicted this week. Online buzz is that Anup Jalota’s contract with the show is till 26th October and therefore there high chances of him getting eliminated this week. Earlier when Anup was evicted, he was sent to secret room and was joined by Sreesanth after mid week eviction.
On a related note, Anup Jalota entered the show with Jasleen Matharu where they made their relationship official. However, now Anup and Jasleen are playing as individuals in the show.