New Delhi: When Bigg Boss 12 started, there was a lot of ‘hue and cry’ about Anup Jalota and Jasleen Matharu’s relationship. Some fans were supporting them and some questioned their bond. But after getting evicted from Bigg Boss 12, Anup Jalota made many shocking revelations about his relationship with Jasleen. He said that they were never had a love affair and were to enter the show as ‘Guru-Shishya’. But as soon Jasleen came on the stage, she announced that they are in relationship and Anup played along then.
Now Anup Jalota has once again come on the show on ‘Weekend Ka Vaar’. He came to give a clear picture about what he truly feels for his alleged girlfriend Jasleen. When Salman Khan asked Anup about it, he said, “Mere andar inke liye voh romantic feeling hai hi nai. Yeh Mere liye student hai.”
Just then Jasleen says, “Kahin na Kahin inhone mujhe bhi confuse kiya.”
However, it was strange to see Jasleen not reacting strongly on Anup’s statement regarding their relationship.