New Delhi: To spice up the controversial show Bigg Boss 12 more, makers are all set to introduce Bigg Boss 11 contestant in the house. Earlier we saw Hina Khan, Hiten Tejwani, Shilpa Shinde and Vikas Gupta, another Bigg Boss 11 sensation will enter the house with a special task.

As per online buzz, in the coming week we may get to see awaam’s favourite Arshi Khan entering the house. What role or task will it be is not clear but there is strong speculation that she will come to spice up the things.

Earlier while talking to media, Arshi said that Bigg Boss 12 contestants are very boring. She also said that Bigg Boss 11 season was the best.

On a related note, this week there will be no elimination and Anup Jalota will come out of the house and will be in the secret room.  Also in today's episode, we will get to see Bharti Singh in the house and playing some fun games with the contestants.