Popular yet controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss' is all set to be back on Colors with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan as host. Ever since the announcement of 'Bigg Boss 11, the names of many popular celebs are doing the rounds to be a part of the show. There were reports that celebs like Sharad Kelkar, Ayaz Ahmed & 'Nach Baliye 8' couple Shoaib-Dipika to be a part of the show. But, all of them denied any such development.
Salman Khan in 'Bigg Boss 10' (Photo: Colors)
Now, the recent reports suggests that, veteran TV actress Achint Kaur who was last seen in 'Jamai Raja' has been approached to be a part of the show.
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Achint Kaur (Photo: Instagram)
According to an entertainment portal, "The stunning veteran actress has been approached for Salman Khan’s show. It is not unusual to have well-known faces from the world of TV on the show, and Achint is famous with every TV viewer."
Speaking about the same, a source told Bollywood Life that, “The makers have approached her as she is a popular face. Moreover, Achint has the forthrightness that brings a spark on the show.”
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Achint with Ravi & Nia in 'Jamai Raja'
The format of upcoming season of 'Bigg Boss' remains the same by getting commoners inside the BB 11 house along with the celebrities. This is because, commoners like Manveer Gurjar, Manu Punjabi among others got a great response from the viewers in 'Bigg Boss 10' and the makers are all set to cash in on the success of last year's format.
Few days ago, Colors CEO Raj Nayak even shared a promo of 'Bigg Boss 11' inviting commoners to send in their entries to be a part of the show[READ HERE...].
Stay tuned for more updates!