Popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 11', known for its share of controversies & fights, is now inching towards its finale with only seven contestants remaining in the house. The show started with the concept of 'Padosi' contestants has now come a long way with only Luv Tyagi remaining in the house from the padosis.
Luv Tyagi in 'Bigg Boss 11' (Photo: Colors)
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In one of the unseen videos on 'Voot', the 'Padosi' contestant along with Priyank Sharma, Akash Dadlani & Puneesh Sharma were having a conversation about girls. During the same, Priyank revealed that he was a Casanova in his school days. After which, Luv also shared an interesting incident from his school days shocking the other three contestants.
Luv with Priyank in 'BB 11' (Photo: Colors)
Luv Tyagi revealed that he & her school principal’s daughter got attracted to each other. One day, they went to a cosy corner in the school to share a kiss. But, the most interesting part was that the principal caught them kissing each other.
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This must be a scary situation for the young lad! Right?
But wait! Nothing serious happened after that as the Principal did nothing against Luv & changed her daughter's school.
Now this is interesting! What do you think? Do tell us in the comments section below!