New Delhi:  A proud moment when the Constitution of India came into existence is celebrated as the Indian Republic Day on 26 January every year. The entire country celebrates the day with utter enthusiasm and patriotism. A national holiday, several programs are organized all over to celebrate and show love and respect towards the country. Flag hoisting ceremonies along with patriotic songs is a common scene throughout the country. This republic day television celebrities express their wish of making the nation clean, green and free from violence and corruption.

Aly Goni: This republic day I wish the way our freedom fighters dreamt and struggled for making India a democratic country. Similarly ours should be clean India and green India.

Tejasswi Prakash: Lets move ahead to prevent child labour and ensure development in the country. We need to make sure every child is getting proper education. Also lets empower women to empower the country this Republic day.

Kamya Punjabi: Its the time we are enjoying our republic day. It would be difficult to conclude that whether India has really achieved anything substantial since the first Republic Day. While there has been progress and development and the people have more money to use, there is increase of genuine problems we face be it corruption, discrimination or security for females. We need to be more responsible towards our nation. That's how the best republic day can be celebrated.

Gaurav Chopra: Republic day is an important time to realize our patriotism towards our country. And be concerned about our national duties. Every citizen of India is expected to be patriotic and pay importance and respect to its history. Being patriotic is synonymous with celebrating the important milestones of the country and Republic day is one such event. We need to aim making India the most amazing and beautiful nation.

Arshi Khan: Democracy is a very important part of the Constitution of India. Today we have a strong democracy. India has a fair and independent judicial system. Republic day celebrations are important to bring out the patriotic emotions and remember our duties towards the nation.

Avika Gor: We must feel the dedication of ourselves for the nation and bring out the efforts towards the nation for making it truly republic. We should think and relate to the freedom struggle once happened and dream for establishing a classless, co-operative, free and happy society. We must aim fully free, happy, peaceful and cultured nation while celebrating the Republic day.

Mahika Sharma: Delhi which hosts the Republic Day with the grand parade has achieved the distinction of crime capital of India. There is more hi-fi corruption, Rapes in the corridors of power here than anywhere else. I wish this republic day we make the country most amazing and beautiful place. No violence, No corruption, No rape. Lets understand and value the struggle our leaders did for us and make the nation better for the coming tomorrow.

Kunal Jaisingh: We celebrate Republic day with great pomp, enthusiasm and glory. As important governmental laws and acts were laid down on this day and hence it also marks as a day of pride for every Indian. But today somehow we miss to stand on our responsibilities towards our nation. The day is also about checking on ourselves if we follow our national duties. If we are living for a greattomorrow. For a perfect republic day we need to think of making the nation peaceful and corruption free.

Suyyash Rai: Understanding the importance of our responsibilities towards the nation is a big deal today. We talk, protest and fight for the worthless topics. I wish this republic day we should help ourself by realizing our duties and truly honouring the people who made an independent India possible. Its a day to be made sure that the sacrificed lives were not spent in vain. Hence, this day should be celebrated by every Indian citizen as a sign of respect to the historic freedom fighters.