With the finale of BB 11 just 3 weeks ago, the competition between the remaining 8 contestants gets intense and we just saw how Vikas Gupta and Akash Dadlani have got into a physical fight after weeks-long-war going on between them[Vikas-Akash get into PHYSICAL FIGHT; will they be THROWN OUT of the house?].

We also witnessed the most rare moments of friendship between biggest rivals Hina Khan and Shilpa Shinde when they teamed up against Vikas.

TV actresses Hina and Shilpa are the most popular contestants of this season and the two keep trending on social media with their fans making all efforts to support them.

While Hina has been caught lying number of times and lashed out at by Salman Khan for body shaming co-contestant Shilpa Shinde a month ago, Shilpa on the other hand has been named the 'flipper' of the show for her constant changing equations with her friends and foes inside BB 11 house.

Both these contestants get a huge support from their respective friends from the Television industry and another such post caught our attention that was written by Shilpa's old friend and her co-actor from 13 years ago.

Bigg Boss 11: Former winner Gauahar Khan CRITICIZES Hina Khan; SUPPORTS ‘bhabi ji’ Shilpa Shinde!

Filmy Monkey is the first to bring you this.

Actor Ujjwal Rana shared the screen with Shilpa in the 2004 show 'Meher' that aired on DD National. Ujjwal posted a video from that time where we see a totally different looking Shilpa doing her regular fun antics.

Ujjwal with other TV friends including Shilpa were having a party at home in this video wherein she comments on the food funnily, picking up the papad showing it to cameras and then talking about raita while everyone is heard laughing.

At one point she also points her foot on the camera and then hides her face as the camera zooms in.

Actors Shielly Shukla, Chetanya Adib and Chandan K Anand are also seen at the gathering.

The point of sharing this video was made clear in the message that Ujjwal posted along with it.

Ujjwal wrote a long in support of Shilpa that read-

"People say... she is fake...problematic...flip...unconcern...unprofessional...
People who know her... she is kind hearted, emotional,strong, self respected…Professional, concern to her surroundings...real fighter... and above all...a good human being... who always take stand for herself...(I have seen her taking stand for others too.. out of the way.. but people forget) 
Very happy for dear shilpa who finally in the big boss show and now the whole world can see real shilpa shinde......

Yes guys every movement of shilpa in the house is real of her...

She never changed her-self ever..
Still remember 26July Mumbai flood 2005 I casually called her just to know she is safe and sound and she was not able to talk properly because she was busy in her car to helping people giving them food…And even taking them...giving lifts here to their just for her satisfaction...that she is doing something...
So many stories small or big list are never ending just because she doesn't want others to know she says "चल ना महान नहीं बनना मुझे" heard so many times from her...
after doing so much for others she react other way round and make them realize she did nothing...yes that’s how a "FLIP" u are..
Just sharing a small old clip of my house without her permission... she still act... react...the same way....
She is just like that… shilpa stay strong be a winner..."

Arshi Khan has been giving Shilpa a hard time and also accused her once of not giving her food while she was inside kaalkothri.

Defending Shilpa Shinde's behavior inside the house, Ujjwal also mentioned how the helpful Shilpa had helped the needy during Mumbai floods of 2005.

Watch video below:

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