Emerging as the winner of popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 10' would be a dream come true for Manveer Gurjar. But seems like his happiness was short lived as soon after the grand finale, his name has been embroiled in many controversies. Whether it is the news of hiding his wedding or having a 5-year-old daughter[READ HERE..]. Manveer was even in the news for a viral abusing video[READ HERE..] for which he even apologised later[READ HERE..]. Seems like his problems are not going to end soon as now there are reports that, a case has been file against Manveer Gurjar in Noida.
(Photo: Colors)
Yes, you heard it right!
Bigg Boss 10: Manveer Gurjar LOCKS himself in a farmhouse after his MARRIAGE VIDEO went VIRAL!
Manveer Gurjar reached Noida yesterday and got a grand welcome[READ HERE..], and this has caused a problem for the 'Bigg Boss 10' winner. As we all know that, a felicitation programme was organised by Manveer’s close ones at park in sector 46, Noida, for which a permission for 40 vehicles to be present at the venue was taken from the police.
Grand welcome of Manveer in Noida
According to an entertainment portal, 'But the commotion caused at the park was bigger than what anyone, especially the police, had expected and over 1000 vehicles ended up being at the venue. A huge traffic jam was a tough job for the cops to handle. And eventually a case was filed on Manveer under the section 341 of the IPC.'
Bigg Boss 10: Manveer Gurjar’s mother REACTS to his MARRIAGE reports!
A source further told Bollywood Life that, 'Manveer won’t be arrested under this section. He will only be called for inquiry and will be asked a few questions.'
Hmm...seems like Manveer Gurjar is experiencing the side-effects of being a celebrity. What do you think?