New Delhi: Bigg Boss 10 contestants always make their way to the headlines and controversies. This week, apart from Rohan-Swami Om’s ugly spat, there was something else that drew our attention and it was Manu-Bani’s fight.
Manu Punjabi said that Bani’s reaction to Swami Om’s comment on her mother was ‘Just for footage’. This didn’t go well with Bani and she had a huge argument with Manu. And after a point walked out crying.
Now as we know that it is ‘Weekend ka Vaar’ and Salman Khan will give his piece of advice on all the fights that happened in the house this week. Well, here we have how Salman Khan reacted on Manu-Bani’s fight.
Superstar made Bani understand that whatever Manu said was because of the task. Salman said that Manu simply said this to prove an incidence in the Bigg Boss house. Taking Manu’s side Salman Khan said that Manu’s intentions were not against her mother. Not just this, Salman also adviced Bani that she should not make mountain out of mole.
Well, Salman Khan’s this take on Manu having a fight with Bani over Swami Om’s comment is rather shocking than anything else.
What do you think, Is Salman Khan right or not?
Stay tuned for all the news on Bigg Boss 10.