New Delhi: Get ready for another shocker of Bigg Boss season 10. We have been giving you latest update every now and then about the task, show, nominations and captaincy. With just few days left in the grand finale, Bigg Boss is all ready to give some big offers to the housemates. Yes that is true!

According to a source, Bigg Boss will make announcement in sometime about the offer. The offer is that cointestants would be asked to leave the show with half prize money. With only Bani J, Rohan Mehra, Lopamudra Raut and Manu Punjabi in the house, it will be interesting to see who will walk out of the house with half prize money.

Also Read : TOP 3 first finalist of Bigg Boss 10 season

Manveer Gurjar, Manu Punjabi and Lopamudra Raut recently won the task and became first 3 finalist of Bigg Boss 10. Bani J and Rohan Mehra have been nominated for upcoming week. After one of the contestant gets eliminated, then there will be only top 4 who will be directly in finale.

Today it will be interesting weekend Ka Vaar because two superstars, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Kha will be on the same stage.

Stay tuned for all news and updates on Bigg Boss 10.