New Delhi: Day 15 in Big Boss house was just as peppy as the song it began with, ‘Ole Ole’. It was a day that saw Om Swami enjoy with Mona Lisa in the pool and also saw Om Swami break down in the confession room.

The episode had an interesting start with Mona Lisa who stole the show with her hot avatar in the Big Boss pool. She got Swami Ji to dance with her when he decided to give her so-called daughter some company and jumped into the water. The two were later also accompanied by Lokesh aka Lovy.

The pool session was followed by a loud fight between the IndiaWalas and Swami Ji. Actually when Manu Punjabi saw Manveer Gujjar and Bani speaking to each other, he told Mona that Bani is trying to instigate him against the team. Manu abused Swami and then Manveer asked Swami what is wrong with him and what does he want. To which Swami replied that he doesn’t want anyone in support of him. Swami said that he has always wanted unity in the team.  However, eventually Swami lost his cool, yelled at Manveer and Manu and then said that he will never talk to the “aam aadmi” team again.

Then came the usual Monday nominations. As always, Big Boss house members had to nominate their inmates but not as always, did the contestants have to nominate contestants from their own teams. Instead, this time they had to give two names from their own teams. Apart from Navin (commoner) who was safe from nominations this week as he had won the immunity task, the others had to do a lot of thinking to nominate two of their own friends.

During this process, Om Swami who for obvious reasons nominated Manu and manveer got sentimental. Feeling bullied by the two commoners, Swami ji broke down in the confession room complaining about the two’s behavior.  He cried and said that he didn’t come to the Big Boss house to face such disrespect and that, Manu and Manveer should not send a message of abusing elders on national television.

Another interesting nomination that sparked a fight between two celebs in the house was that of Gaurav’s. Gaurav who had nominated Rahul Dev and Bani, citing the reason of competitive inmates tried to justified his actions to Bani. However, the VJ refused to talk to him and said that she never expected this from him.

It would be interesting to see if Gaurav is able to seek Bani’s forgiveness or not!