Popular 'Colors' show 'Bepannah' starring Jennifer Winget & Harshad Chopra is witnessing various twists & turns in its story-line. The show's story revolves around Zoya (Jennifer) and Aditya (Harshad) & their journey are grabbing the attention of viewers too. Now according to latest reports, 'Bepannah' will soon witness a new entry which will create another twist in the life of Zoya & Aditya.
Jennifer-Harshad in 'Bepannaah' (Photo: Web)
‘Bepannah’ actress’ OFF-SCREEN image will leave you shocked!
According to a leading daily, seasoned actor Apurva, who was last seen in a cameo role in Meri Durga will now be making his entry in 'Bepannaah'.
The report further states that, the actor's entry will create a major drama in the story and will probably help solve the mystery behind Dead characters of Yash aka Sehban Azim and Pooja aka Namita Dubey's complicated connection.
Apurva Agnihotri (Photo: Web)
BEPANNAH actress looks HOT AF in her recent pictures!
In the latest track, Aditya saves Zoya and has been feeling guilty over her suicide attempt slitting her wrist after he had lashed out at her yet again. The cause were the divorce papers they both received from their respective dead partners and while Pooja hadn't signed them yet, Yash's signature on them left Zoya shattered.
Speaking about Apruva, he was last seen in a cameo role in 'Star Plus' show 'Meri Durga'.
Are you excited for his entry in 'Bepannaah'? Do tell us in the comment section below! Stay tuned for more updates!