Mumbai: TV actor Rohan Mehra, who got evicted from "Bigg Boss" on Tuesday, feels his co-contestants Bani and Manu Punjabi do not deserve to be the winners of the popular reality show.

The Salman Khan hosted show "Bigg Boss" is few days away from the grand finale. When asked about who he wants to win it, Rohan told PTI, "Manveer Gurjar and Lopamudra Raut definitely deserve to be on the show. I don't think Manu and Bani are deserving enough to be winners. There were quite a few contestants who were deserving to be in the finale."

The "Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai" star feels that the show has been biased towards certain people.

"The show is biased. If people are watching it and liking certain things (referring to fights and drama) it means the makers will show it again and again as its entertaining for the audience.

"The most disgusting part of the show was presence of Priyanka Jagga and Swami Om. We can't stoop down to their level. It was tough for all of us to stay in the same house with them," he added.

Rohan is upset over his elimination from the show at this time when the finale is so close.

"It feels sad that I got evicted at this point. But the format of the show is such that one person does get evicted so its ok.

"I did not anticipate I would reach this far. I am glad I got to stay so long in the house. No planning and strategy works in 'Bigg Boss'."

Rohan said his family and friends are happy with way he conducted himself on the show.

"The kids in my family and staying around me thought I should have been the winner. My friends and family were happy to see me in 'Bigg Boss'," he said.