Here's all you want to know about the new shows by Ekta Kapoor on her new digital platform, the OTT(over-the-top) app ALT Balaji by Balaji Telefilms launching on the 16th April, 2017. The video sneak peak with the snippets from these web series is just released and it is mindbogglingly awesome. From the big stars like Sakshi Tanwar, Ram Kapoor's 'Karrle Tu Bhi Mohabbat' and Nimrat Kaur's 'The Test Case' to the bold 'Romil and Jugal' that deals with gay romance... and more... these shows with a new, bold & unseen twist are a fresh change from the regular Saas-Bahu sagas.

A still from Alt Balaji show(Pic: ALT Balaji)

ALT Balaji, company’s digital video-on-demand platform is bringing these 6 original shows on it's newly launched app and which will each have an interesting story line and they also feature TV & Film biggies like Atul Kulkarni, Samir Soni, Deepanita Sharma, Yudi, Sanjay Suri, Mantra... we already talked about the famous Ram, Sakshi & Nimrat who have been creating headlines for months now.

A still from Alt Balaji show(Pic: ALT Balaji)

A still from Alt Balaji show(Pic: ALT Balaji)

Before checking out the promo(Watch at bottom of this article), here are the details of story and cast of each show you would like to read!

  • Romil and Jugal - Romeo And Juliet With A Twist

A contemporary take on William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', with two men in the lead, the 10-episode series will feature a same-sex love story set against a clash of cultures.

Punjabi family boy Romil played by Rajeev Siddhartha and Jugal aka Manraj Singh from an intellectual South Indian family play a romantic couple and their families see huge cultural clash besides accepting that their sons are in love.

  • The Test Case - No Force Can Force Her Out

Directed by Nagesh Kukunoor, series stars 'Airlift' actress Nimrat Kaur in lead who prepped hard to be the Indian Army’s first woman test case in a combat role and underwent rogorous training for the same.

  • Dev DD - Wilder Than Your Imagination

Here 'a super creative take on Sarat Chandra's iconic story 'Devdas' from a female perspective. Dev DD is a reverse of the original series where Chandramukhi and Paro are replaced by male characters drooling over female Devdas. Dev DD is a bold, sexy feminine take on Devdas.

'Jhankaar Beats' fame Bollywood actor Sanjay Suri plays female 'Chandramukhi' called 'Anurag', 'Paro' is played by Akhil Kapur and actress Asheema Vardaan plays 'Devika', 'Devdas' character with a female-twist in this Ken Ghosh directed series.

  • Karrle Tu Bhi Mohabbat - Kehtein Hai Opposites Attract

A love story that deals with how two people can fall in love anytime and anywhere. Ram Kapoor plays a celebrity seeking counselling for his troubled relationship with his wife. Though Sakshi’s character is a complete contrast, he ends up falling for her in the process.

Talking about her pairing with Ram Kapoor three years of their previous show 'Bade Achche Lagte Hain', Sakshi said in an interview, “People gave us so much love for our previous show. They loved the pairing and Ekta wanted to repeat it because she had loads and loads of requests from fans that they wanted us together. This was a story which suited both of us. So we are on board.”

  • Once Upon a Night - When They Met An Affair You Will Fall In Love With

A fresh and modern take on how someone can find a soulmate in somebody, other than the one they're married to in a bold and intense way. Actor Yudhishtir will be seen romancing Aditi Vasudev.

In the series, Aditi's character is married to Yudi's character but falls in love with another man and realises how her happiness with her husband is a myth. It also features Samir Soni and Dipannita Sharma.

  • Boygiri - Men Never Grow Up

An interesting take on friendship, fun and overarching awkwardness of being boys. 'Boygiri' offers a unique take on unseen bromance through the crazy characters who share a bond so strong that actually sets an example of how men never grow up.

Mantra, the famous RJ & comedian debuts as an actor in this.