New Delhi: Star Plus’ ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ has managed to win the hearts of the viewers with its drama-packed episodes. The show starring Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan in the respective role of Naira and Kartik will complete 3000 episodes next week. The actors of the show share a close bond with each other and it is evident in their photos and videos.

Mohena Kumari Singh, Rishi Dev and Gaurav Wadhwa, who previously acted in ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’, are quite popular on social media because of their vlog RiMoRav. The three actors have gained a significant fan following on YouTube and Instagram.

Gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that things are not well between the three of them. A report in an entertainment portal has suggested that differences have affected their friendship and working relationship.

"Mohena, Rishi and Gaurav had become close friends over the course of time. However, in the last few weeks, things haven't been too well between the trio. The differences are such that it has affected their friendship and working relationship. Mohena even shared a cryptic post on social media about the same. The trio will be meeting today to discuss their future course of action," a source told Pinkvilla.

Check out Mohena’s cryptic post right here!

Mohena Kumari Singh played the role of Mohsin Khan aka Kartik’s sister Keerti in ‘YRKKH’. She quit the show a few months back. The dancer will tie the knot with her fiancé Suyesh Rawat in October 2019 in Haridwar. Mohena had earlier said that she would leave acting post her marriage.

Rishi Dev played the role of Shivangi Joshi aka Naira’s brother Naksh in the show. The originally was originally played by Rohan Mehra. Rishi Dev quit ‘Yeh Rishta’ in search of greener pastures. The role of Naksh is currently being played by Shehzad Shaikh.

Gaurav Wadhwa played the role of Kartik’s cousin Shubham. The ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’ actor’s role ended after his character was shown to be dead. Shubham’s death led to the separation of Kartik and Naira last year.

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