It's been a year since Kashish Thakur Pundir of Haryana was announced the winner of Roadies Xtreme (2018). The young boy from Gang Neha who was one of the promising contestants from last season won a Duster car as prize and he finally got his prized possession recently and was happy to share the pics on social media.

The Roadies winner shared pics of his brand new car and revealed that he gifted the same to his parents. Sharing the pictures, posing with the car he wrote, “It's been a year when I won Roadies... but the prize of winning is here... I was the first one to get into a gang and then finally the last Man standing. My journey has nothing been short of a roller coaster ride. It was my parent's blessings that I won the show and the Duster...I gifted this to my mom and dad, because I just love them and they deserve this more than me...”

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While speaking to TOI about why his winning car got so delayed, Kashish said, “The feeling is surreal and I felt it when I had won the show. I had then driven the car many times. It got delayed a bit as I wanted to send it to hometown. But gifting the car to my parents made it even more special. We had 2-3 cars and my dad felt there’s no reason for another car. But my mother said, ‘We will sell one car but keep this one because my son won it’. So I feel happy and proud to gift it to my parents.”

On a related note, Kashish is an engineer-turned-martial artist, who originally hails from Haryana's Sonepat, but had been living in Gurgaon since 2015.

He is currently working as an assistant director on a movie project.