New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 15' winner Tejasswi Prakash recently bought a house in Goa. On Tuesday, Karan Kundrra, Tejasswi's boyfriend shared glimpses and congratulatory messages for her besides also giving her fans a glimpse into her new house. Through his Instagram story, Karan shared the news about Tejasswi buying a new house. "Congratulations baby... You deserve the world." Karan wrote on his Instagram story, "I'm so proud of you... You little hardworking mouse. May you have cities in every city you love."
Karan Kundrra and Tejasswi Prakash often share posts featuring each other. Take a look at some of their posts.
Karan and Tejasswi, are popularly called TejRan, began dating after their stint together on 'Bigg Boss 15'. It was during the show that Karan had confessed he had a crush on Tejasswi, which with a little help from singer Akasa turned into a full-blown relationship.
Tejasswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra have massive fan clubs on social media and dedicated squads which champion their togetherness, share updates about their respective lives or moments together.
Fans are eagerly waiting for the two to get married or get along in some way. Earlier in the year, Tejasswi spoke to Hindustan Times about her wedding plans and said, "We are focusing on our work. We have not had the chance to talk. And these things cannot be discussed on the phone. We need to find the time and then we can figure something out if we have to figure it out."
Meanwhile, Tejasswi Prakash is shooting for ‘Naagin 6’ wherein she plays the role of Pratha. Tejasswi made her debut with Life OK’s 2612 and later on appeared 'Sanskaar Dharohar Apnon Ki' in 2013.
Karan Kundrra, on the other hand, recently hosted the dance reality show 'Dance Deewane Juniors 1' on Colors TV.