New Delhi: Taapsee Pannu, who is currently busy promoting her upcoming movie ‘Dobaaraa’, got into an argument with the paparazzi on Monday. The incident happened when the actress reached for a promotional event at Mithibai College in Mumbai. The argument started when the photographers asked her to wait for photos but when she didn’t, they told her that they had been waiting for the past two hours.
In the video, shared by a paparazzo, Taapsee was seen arriving at the venue and was immediately escorted inside while the paparazzi kept asking her to stop for the pictures. One of the photographers complained to her that they have been waiting for her for two hours and she is not stopping for the pictures. Taapsee got upset and asked the paparazzo to speak to her in a respectful manner and informed them that she is following the schedule she’s been given.
She said, "Mujhe jo bola gaya main kar rahi hoon, aap mere pe kyu chilla rahe ho? (I am doing whatever I have been asked to do, why are you yelling at me)." While the paparazzi told her that they are also waiting for her, Taapsee said to one paparazzo, "Please talk to me in a respectful manner, I am just doing my work. I have arrived on time at every place I have been asked to. You will talk to me respectfully, I will also talk to you respectfully."
Taapsee added, “The camera is on me, so only my side can be seen. If it’s on you for once then you would have realised how are you talking to me. After a while, Taapsee folded her hands and said, "Aap hi hamesha sahi hote ho, actor hi hamesha galat hota hai (You are always right, and actors are always at fault)."
Starring Taapsee and Pavil Gulati, ‘Dobaara’ is directed by Anurag Kashyap and produced by Shobha Kapoor & Ektaa R Kapoor's Cult Movies, a new wing under Balaji Telefilms and Sunir Kheterpal & Gaurav Bose (Athena). The film, which is a remake of 2018 Spanish film Mirage, will release on August 19.