It's been a year since actor Sushant Singh Rajput left for his heavenly abode as tributes and remembrance posts poured in all day on Monday from his industry colleagues and friends, on the first death anniversary of Sushant Singh Rajput.

Meanwhile, the late actor’s family also held a small prayer meet for him. Sushant’s sister Meetu Singh shared pictures along with her other sisters from the havan ceremony.

In the pictures, Meetu can be seen sitting with her other two sisters, Priyanka and Neetu. The trio can be seen performing rituals and remembering their brother. Along with the pictures, Meetu also penned a long emotional note for her late brother.

She wrote: Since the past few days grave despair has been brooding in the back of my mind. Last year’s fateful event took all of us by such shock that I have failed to fall back into the normality of everyday life.

Many have brutally used you and the majority of them are still doing so. Manipulation is masked by love, selfish motives are hidden behind concern. If only you had people around you who had genuinely cared for you, things would have been so different. I bore the desperation of wanting you back everyday, today the misery was so strong that if the laws that bound us ceased to be, I would have mould your being out of my emotions. I would have given you my existence.

When despite all odds we used to get want we wanted for ourselves, you always used to say “Aap kaise kuch bhai kar leti hain na, Ruby di”, I wish those words were true, because I desperately want you back but no matter how much I pray, work or talk, you are not coming back. Things just don’t feel right without you, everything I come across reminds me of you. It becomes physically impossible to maintain my composure at times. But I will not let my Mom down, and for Her and your sake, I will try to live life with a purpose of evolution.

Jaan, all I want you to know is that your name will always shine in all our hearts and I will do everything in my mortal powers to get you Justice.

#justiceforsushantsinghrajput #sushantsinghrajput #ssrians

Sushant's another sister Priyanka too shared a picture from the prayer meet along with an emotional post, check out: