New Delhi: Sushant Singh Rajput’s father K.K Singh recently lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty accusing her of abetment of his son’s suicide. The six-page long FIR alleges her of using the actor for her financial gains and having full control on Sushant’s life. The FIR added that the ‘Jalebi’ actress used to give an overdose of medicines to the late actor.

SSR’s family lawyer Vikas Singh claimed that his family had warned the Bandra Police of Sushant’s life in being danger. On February 25, his family reported to the police 'he is not in good company and please ensure nothing untoward happens to him’.

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Sushant Singh Rajput’s brother-in-law, OP Singh, a Haryana IPS officer, got in touch with the DCP of Bandra on WhatsApp saying that the lady concerned should be dealt informally. To which, Paramjit Singh said that they cannot do anything without a formal complaint.

Speaking to a leading news channel, the Ex-DCP said, “On February 19 & 25, some WhatsApp conversations were forwarded to me. Sir (SSR’s brother-in-law) said the lady concerned should be dealt informally. I politely said 'Sir, I can’t do it without a formal complaint.” The ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s brother-in-law requested that the SHO of Bandra should get in touch with the actor’s manager and added that “we should let his manager know that the couple was in Mumbai which seemed a little bit strange for me. Being a brother-in-law, he could have called him up but at that time I didn't pay much heed."

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When inquired about the irresponsiveness from the police even after so many SOS calls, the DCP quipped by saying that they were just WhatsApp messages and not a written complaint.

“They were WhatsApp messages that were forwarded to me while there were some which were written by him. Amongst the forwarded one, some were from of Priyanka - his lawyer sister.

After reading those conversations, we also spoke to him over the phone where he said that the lady in concern should be handled informally which means that on the basis of WhatsApp complaint, a person should be called by the police. I politely told the officer that without a written complaint that is not possible. We had to have a written complaint to summon a lady or any associate”, said Singh.