Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are all set to get married at the Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad on December 4, 2024. The venue, date and the traditional Telugu wedding has been in news for quite some time as fans anticipate the big South Indian wedding. As the wedding approached, there were rumours claiming that an OTT platform had acquired the rights of their wedding video for a staggering amount of Rs. 50 cr. 

Naga Chaitanya on wedding video being sold to OTT

However, Naga Chaitanya has slammed these reports and false speculation putting an end to rumours about an OTT platform acquiring their wedding video for Rs. 50 cr. Speaking to Zoom, the 'Majili' actor said, “This is false news. There is no such deal."

Chaitanya further shed light on his wedding and said that it will be a lavish event of rituals, majorly influenced by Sobhita's family's enthusiasm for traditional customs. However, their guest list will remain 'intimate', with only close friends and family in attendance. 

Sobhita and Naga Chaitaya have remained private about their relationship mostly. However, as the wedding approaches nearer, Chaitanya has begun talking about his relationship and shedding light on his upcoming wedding. 

In the same interview with Zoom, Naga Chaitanya shared that despite being a grand wedding, it will be a 'private affair'. “I was in Mumbai for the launch of my OTT show. 

When Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya first interacted

"During that time, she also had a show with the same platform. We first interacted at the event hosted by the OTT platform," Chay told the platform.

Spilling some more beans about their relationship, Chaitanya said, "It’s been lovely getting to know Sobhita and her family over the past few months. Watching the families interact has been a joy. I’m really looking forward to the wedding day, experiencing the rituals, and seeing the families come together."