New Delhi: Tamil industry megastar Vijay's upcoming film 'Leo' has been creating headlines for quite some time. Now it seems that theatre owners have banned teaser/trailer celebrations in movie theatres after Vijay's fans tore seat covers and dismantled seats during the 'Leo' trailer screening at a theatre in Chennai. Not just this, the government has also refused to allow 4 AM or 7 AM shows for 'Leo'. The film will now only begin with 9:00 AM shows on October 19.

Giving the update on his official X( Twitter) handle, film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan shared pictures of orn seat covers in a movie theatre and wrote, "Rohini Cinemas completely thrashed by Joseph Vijay fans after #LeoTrailer screening.”


In another tweet, he said, "Just IN: Tamil Nadu theatres to STOP teaser/trailer celebrations. This decision has come after Joseph Vijay fans have completely thrashed Rohini Cinemas in Chennai during #Leo trailer launch celebration. The President of the Theater Owners Association has said ‘We have decided not to release any more trailers in theaters’."

Vijay starrer 'Leo' is one of the most awaited films of the year. The grand-movie watching experience for the film has been anticipated by fans as the production house, Seven Screen Studios Production, filed a petition before the Madras High Court requesting to allow the film to be screened as early as 4:00 AM on Day 1 in Tamil Nadu.

However, on Tuesday, Justice Anita Sumanth, refrained from passing the order on the aforementioned request. The court also directed the Tamil Nadu government to reconsider its decision to not allow 7:00 AM shows for the film.

However, trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan confirmed that even 7 AM shows will not be allowed for the film.


He tweeted, "Breaking: Tamil Nadu government refuses to accept Madras High Court's reconsideration on #Leo 7 am shows. Hence it is clear now that there is no 4 am or 7 am shows for #LokeshKanagaraj's #LeoFilm. As stated in earlier GO, Joseph Vijay's #LEOFDFS will start only at 9 am.”

'Leo' has been directed by Lokesh Kangaraj. The film marks Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj's reunion after the 2021 blockbuster 'Master'.