After Allu Arjun's release from jail, several celebrities rushed to his residence in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, to offer their support. The actor, who had been arrested in connection with the tragic death of a woman during the screening of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, was granted interim bail on Saturday. His release has drawn an outpouring of support from the entertainment industry.
Celebs visit Allu Arjun after his release from jail
Among the first to arrive were Vijay Deverakonda, Naga Chaitanya, and Rana Daggubati. Videos and photos of the celebrities arriving at Allu Arjun’s home quickly went viral on social media.
In one video shared by ANI, Vijay Deverakonda was seen arriving with his brother Anand Deverakonda. Dressed in a blue T-shirt, black trousers, and a beanie, Vijay greeted Allu Arjun’s father, Allu Aravind, with a warm hug as Arjun was on a phone call. Afterward, Vijay embraced Allu Arjun, who had changed into a T-shirt and black pants, in a tight hug. The group then sat together and engaged in a heartfelt conversation.
In a now-viral video, Rana Daggubati was seen warmly embracing Allu Arjun at the actor's residence in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills. Allu Arjun smiled as his friend, Rana, welcomed him. Naga Chaitanya also arrived at the house, and the two stars were seen holding hands while engaging in a conversation.
In another clip, ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ director Sukumar was spotted at Allu Arjun's residence, accompanied by the film's producers, Ravi and Naveen. The two were seen engaged in a conversation, with Arjun smiling and laughing alongside Sukumar. The actor then embraced Sukumar and held his hand warmly.
Allu Arjun was released on Saturday morning after spending the night in jail, following his arrest in connection with the tragic death of a woman during a stampede at the premiere of his latest film. Despite being granted bail by the Telangana High Court on Friday, Arjun had to remain in prison overnight due to delays in receiving the bail order.
The Telangana High Court ruled that there was no malafide action on the part of Allu Arjun in the ongoing case. It granted him interim bail for four weeks, providing significant relief to the actor. The court also set a personal bail bond of Rs 50,000.
After arriving home, Allu Arjun expressed his gratitude to his followers and well-wishers across the country for their love and support. He emphasised that he is a law-abiding citizen and has great respect for the law.
“I’ll cooperate with them, and I’ll do the needful. And very importantly, I would like to give my condolences once again to the family. It ( death of a woman) is very, very unfortunate,” he told the media.
What happened in Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad?
On December 4, a tragic incident occurred at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad during the premiere of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’, when a stampede-like situation resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman and the hospitalisation of her eight-year-old son. Thousands of fans had gathered to catch a glimpse of actor Allu Arjun.
In the aftermath, the city police filed a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), based on a complaint lodged by the deceased woman's family at the Chikkadpally police station.