New Delhi: Playback singer and pop artist Neha Pandey has released her new single ‘Tu Hi Tu’ on the independent label Throan Of Art Music. She spoke with ABPLive about the difficulties she encountered and how the inspiration for the song came from her own life. Pandey also discussed her upbringing in an Indian classical context, as well as her favourite singers and musicians in Bollywood.

Q1. As you have mentioned the challenging times for the song "Tu Hi Tu". So can you tell us about those challenges and how has the response been?

Challenges have always been there in my journey since childhood. Losing both my parents, surviving without family support, sailing through in a foreign land then- as so many people I was close to all distanced themselves in my tough times - I Managed to keep the spirit alive within… all praise to the universe for all the protection in invisible forms.

The period when I wrote this song was more of a turbulent one, which people would refer to as the “calm before the storm .” However, the cycle was endless. It was almost the end of covid lockdowns and my business sank, had some significant personal challenges to look into besides the demise of a few close family and friends.  Everything was occurring simultaneously. Major testing period. The song came like a breeze. Every word made sense. My belief in the almighty had grown stronger noticing the ever-changing face of the human world and finding comfort in that unknown energy, peace, and comfort that none else in the world can bring. “Tere hi dum se ragon mein hai jumbish, tujhse hi hasti meri… tere hi dar se rahe mujh mein larzish, doobe na kashti meri.”

Q2. Which personal experiences, inspire you for this song?

I was a single mom to my lovely child Aren by the time this song was written as well. It was a tough journey into motherhood alone and I had recently lost a lot in my business, and personal life. I was going through the worse times in Dubai. This song was the release of my true feelings and the fact that acceptance is the key and solution to many of our issues. We have to be consistent in the way we feel and stay grateful. Success is immeasurable.

Q3. After "Tu hi Tu", what’s next in the offing, any further Bollywood, International collaborations that we can look forward to?     

 Yes, there is a very interesting international collaboration coming up very soon. Again extremely different flavour as I always do.

Q4. Which type of music do you connect to more? and  Who are your favourite singers, and musicians – In Bollywood and the West?

I connect with anything that seeps into my soul. Has to have substance melodically and preferably make sense lyrically too. I don't have any particular “Bollywood” favourites. I would say I do love certain voices from the past and present. I was a fan of Michael Jackson, Carpenters, and many other retro stars. I have great regard for legends like Asha ji, and Mohammed Rafi sahab still after decades they remain irreplaceable in Indian cinema. There do exist loads of beyond Bollywood artists who may not have got the appreciation that they deserve, however, that is destiny. “Hoga nahi woh mujhe kuch bhi haasil, mere liye jo nahi”. 

Q5. I have noticed that you have a deep interest in Fashion, skincare, healthcare, and lifestyle.  Are you planning to launch any company in these sectors in the future?

Beauty is my obsession, and fashion is my passion. I have just started my clothing line called - Haya’s Closet by Neha. It is still in its babyhood stage. This will be part of my brand at large at House of Neha.