Ahead of his last rites at the Oshiwara crematorium, an ambulance which will carry the mortal remains of late actor Sidharth Shukla is being decorated with flowers outside the cooper hospital. Pictures of ambulance being decorated by staff surfaced in media which is leaving fans with heavy heart.

Sidhrtah’s family will take his body in this ambulance to their home for the actor’s ‘shanti path’ and later to the Oshiwara crematorium for his funeral.

Sidharth Shukla’s last journey will involve the Brahmakumari rituals as the actor was an ardent follower of the faith.

Speaking about the actor’s last journey, Tapaswini Ben from Brahmakumaris told etimes, "He will be taken home from Cooper Hospital at 11 am and we will be meditating first and then other rituals will be done. Siddharth followed the Brahamkumari and studied the daily discourse so his last journey will have all of it."

Sidharth’s mother also is a Brahmakumari follower when asked how she is coping up to which Tapaswiniji said, "It is a shock for his mother but our study and teachings help people stay strong."Sidharth Shukla, who appeared in TV shows such as 'Balika Vadhu' and 'Bigg Boss 13', passed away at the age of 40 on Thursday. Reportedly, he suffered a massive heart attack.

Shukla's post-mortem was conducted at Cooper Hospital and the process was recorded on video.

Sidharth is survived by his mother and two sisters. A Cooper Hospital spokesperson said that the actor was "brought dead" in the morning.

Born on December 12 1980 in Mumbai, Sidharth, who held a degree in interior designing, chose to switch gears to the modeling field, where he clinched the runner-up position in Gladrags Manhunt and Megamodel Contest in 2004.