New Delhi: With the release of the music album 'Gateway to India', Sidhant Kapoor gained global fame. A journey that is a dream for any music composer has actually been travelled by music composer Sidhant Kapoor, who is the son of actor-singer Ruhan Kapoor and the grandson of legendary Bollywood singer Mahendra Kapoor. In this music album consisting of six songs, you can feel the spirit of India by listening to these songs.
After the huge success of his music album, Sidhant Kapoor says, “I am thrilled to receive such a wonderful response and appreciation from music lovers. I am overjoyed to be collaborating with the legendary music composer, John Ashton Thomas. My music album ‘Gateway to India’ has six different songs that serve as musical representations of India. This demonstrates the grand-scale fusion of Indian music, which skilfully combines the majesty of a western orchestra with the richness of traditional Indian instruments. My vision is not only to elevate Indian music onto a global platform but also to immortalize the last compositions of a Hollywood icon.”
In a true sense, Sidhant Kapoor has represented India with his latest international music album, 'Gateway to India'. He is overjoyed to be working with his idol in music, John Ashton Thomas. Recording with a full orchestra at the iconic Abbey Road Studios in London and Yashraj Studios in Mumbai, Sidhant ensured that John’s final works would endure. He finished his studies at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music, one of the most prestigious music institutes in the world.
With the help of this collaborative masterpiece, Sidhant Kapoor establishes himself as a young ambassador for Indian music, using the power of music to transcend cultural boundaries. Every song carries the weight of Sidhant and John's legacy, reminding us that creativity has no bounds and can exist anywhere in time or space.