New Delhi: Shruti Haasan is someone who has always been outspoken about a variety of topics. On Thursday, she posted a video of herself working out on Instagram for her followers to watch. The star disclosed in the caption of her Instagram photo that she had been afflicted with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) as well as endometriosis.
Shruti wrote a lengthy post on her struggle with PCOS. She wrote, “Work out with me I’ve been Facing some of the worst hormonal issues with my pcos and endometriosis - women know it’s a tough fight with imbalance and bloating and metabolic challenges - but instead of looking at it as a fight I choose to accept is as natural movement that my body goes through to do it’s best and I say Thankyou by eating right sleeping well and enjoying my work out - my body isn’t perfect right now but m heart is (sic).”
Shruti is upfront about her medical issues and often informs her admirers on social media about her personal life and physical challenges. She concluded her post by writing, “keep fit keep happy and let those happy hormones flow !!! I know o sound a tad preachy but it’s been such a journey to accept these challenges and not let them define me .. so ….! I’m so happy to share this with all of you (sic).”
On the work front, Shruti is working on a pan-India movie, ‘Salaar’, which stars Prabhas.