New Delhi: Shaunak Sen’s documentary ‘All That Breathes’, which was nominated for the Best Documentary Feature Oscar and lost to Navalny, is now streaming in India. The documentary is currently streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar. However, the documentary will be on the streaming platform till March 31, as all the HBO content will be removed from Hotstar on the same day.

‘All That Breathes’ is a Delhi-set documentary that follows two siblings, Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shehzad, who have devoted their lives to rescuing and treating injured birds, especially black kites. It explores the rapidly evolving ecology of Delhi through a story that intertwines the fates of black kites and two brothers who set out to save them from death.  
Shaunak uses the bird's story to shed light on the relationship between the people of Delhi and their environment. 'All That Breathes' provides insight into the complex relationship between nature and humanity.  

Sen is an alumnus of Jamia Millia and received his Ph.D. from the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal University. He got interested in human-animal conflicts in cities when he participated in Cambridge University's ERC Urban Ecologies Project as visiting scholar in 2018.  
This research led Sen to the two brothers operating out of Wazirabad in North Delhi, who took care of black kites that fell off the sky.

Sen had earlier spoken about losing the Oscars to Navalny. Sen took to Instagram and said he has been flooded with messages of "encouragement/support"  

Sen said his "brain is still to wrap around the fact that this is the end of this chapter" for the film, which was nominated in the Documentary Feature Film segment.  

"So many chin-uppy messages of encouragement/support since yesterday. We were low for about an hour, but we're soon distracted into equanimity amidst the whirl of glittery people and things. Brain is still to wrap around the fact that this is the end of this chapter," the director wrote on Instagram alongside pictures with his team. 

'All That Breathes' is a Delhi-set documentary that follows two siblings, Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shehzad, who have devoted their lives to rescuing and treating injured birds, especially black kites.  

The critically-acclaimed documentary previously won the 'World Cinema Grand Jury Prize: Documentary' at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and the Golden Eye award for the best documentary at the 2022 Cannes.