New Delhi: Shahid Kapoor had organized a star-studded birthday bash for his wife Mira Rajput Kapoor as turned 28 on September 7. Treating his Insta family with a video from the party, Shahid gave another glimpse into the party. In the video, we can see Mira and Shahid's friends dance to Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge from the movie 'Sholay'. Shahid captioned the post, "Parrtaaayyy !!". In the video, all seem to be in a joyous mood; in one corner we see Ishaan Khatter and Kunal Khemu dance while we see Shahid in the middle of the dance floor. 

Soon after Shahid shared the video, his comments section was flooded with heart emojis. Hrithik Roshan also commented on the picture, "Fav song . Haha."

Mira Kapoor turned 28 on September 7, 2022 and husband Shahid invited their family and close industry friends to the party. Among the guest list, Shahid's parents Pankaj Kapur, Neelima Azmi, Supriya Pathak, Mira's mother Bela Rajput, Shahid's brother Ishaan Khatter were also seen. Among B-Town celebs, Shibani Dandekar and Farhan Akhtar, Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza among others were present.

For the party, Mira opted for a black bodycon dress while Shahid wore a black and white polka dot shirt paired with white pants and black shoes.

Take a look at the video.


Shahid had also shared the most adorable message for his wife on Instagram. His post had read, "Happy birthday my lover. May we dance through life's ups and downs together. Hand in hand with a smile on the face and a twinkle in the eyes." 

Mira also shared a picture of herself caught in a dance move with Shahid. She captioned it, "I had the time of my life, and I’ve never felt this way beforeThe love of my life @shahidkapoor, thank you for the best memories! It was a night to remember ❤️ I’m one lucky girl.All my friends who came down, you mean the world to me and you know who you are 😘And thank you all for the wishes, I am so overwhelmed with your love and warmth."