Hollywood star Sean Penn's wife Leila George has filed for divorce after just one year of marriage."
The court documents obtained by Fox News show that Leila George filed for divorce from the actor in Los Angeles, California on Friday.
The news of the split comes a little over one year since Penn confirmed on 'Late Night With Seth Meyers' that the two had ‘COVID wedding’.
At the time, Penn explained, ‘By that, I mean it was a county commissioner on Zoom and we were at the house, my two children and her brother, and we did it that way.’
Penn shares two children, daughter Dylan and son Hopper with his ex-wife Robin Wright.
When speaking about his marriage to George, the Oscar winner admitted that he was pretty relieved to have a low-key wedding amid the pandemic despite many Hollywood couples who made the decision to postpone their nuptials.
Penn and George had started dating in 2016. She is the daughter of actor Vincent D'Onofrio.
The actor was previously married to 54-year-old Wright from 1996-2010 and Madonna from 1985 to 1989. He has also been linked to Scarlett Johansson and Charlize Theron, as per Fox News.