New Delhi: The Delhi police has lodged an FIR against famous Haryanvi dancer Sapna Chaudhary. The company that has lodged a complaint against the former Bigg Boss contestant has alleged that Sapna had violated the terms of the agreement and resorted to stealing the the company's client list with the connivance of an employee. ALSO READ: 'Never Invited Maulvis To Camp, Offered Namaaz Only After Training': Wasim Jaffer After Stepping Down As Uttarakhand Coach
A case of fraud has been registered against Sapna Choudhary and others by the economic offences wing of Delhi Police which is currently conducting an investigation into the matter.
The actress has been booked under IPC sections 420,120 B,406.
‘Sapna Chaudhary’s popularity has waned’
Sapna Chaudhary appeared in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 11 post which her popularity waned, claimed the complainant.
The event management company claimed that it was reluctant to work with Sapna Chaudhary but after her repeated requests they agreed to work with her and manage her public relations. The company had suggested her for a big change-over, a make-over, to boost her prospects as a celebrity in the entertainment industry.
The company has claimed that the agreement stated she he would not be working or collaborating with any other company nor join any other company nor have direct or indirect contact with any clients of the complainant nor even can perform on her own for any individual without their permission, which she did not adhere to.
The complainant alleged that the actress had taken money from them and had no intention to repay and to honour the agreement. Apart from Sapna Chaudhary, her mother namely Mrs. Neelam, her brother namely Mr. Karan, her sister-in-law (Bhabhi) namely Mrs. Rachna and her sister namely Mrs. Shivani have been named in the complaint.
Personal and work front
Sapna Choudhary had a court marriage with Veer Sahu last year and the couple gave birth to their first son on October 4, 2020. Veer Sahu is a singer, composer, lyricist and actor. He acted in the Punjabi film Gandhi Phir Aay Gaye.
Sapna Choudhary is a hugely popular Haryanvi dancer and stage performer. She has also performed item numbers in Bollywood movies like Veere Di Wedding and Nanu ki Janu. She played the lead character in the 2019 movie Dosti Ke Side Effects.